Do I need to know Baltimore City Schools Curriculum?
Teaching Artists No. You will collaborate, team plan and team teach with a Classroom Teacher. Teaching Artist Apprentices No. You will assist during the arts/discipline/focus area of the day.
Will I be teaching my art form? What will a typical day “look like”?
Teaching Artists In the mornings, a teaching artist partners with a City Schools teacher to collaboratively plan and teach literacy and math arts-integrated lessons to elementary grade students. In the afternoons, the teaching artist, with the support of a teacher…
Do I need classroom experience?
Teaching Artists No. But, you do need to have some experience working with youth. This can be through community-based spaces, camps, hospitals, nonprofits, clubs, etc.) Teaching Artist Apprentices No.
Do I need to participate in the Summer Arts Corps Training in order to be hired for the Summer Arts Learning Academy (SALA)?
Teaching Artists Maybe. After the application process (which includes an observation session) if the hiring team determines you have ample experience in arts integration and collaborative teaching then you will be hired for SALA immediately. If we feel you could…
Will childcare be provided?
Teaching Artists Yes and no. Free childcare will be provided during the Summer Arts Corps Training. Childcare will not be provided during SALA. Teaching Artist Apprentices No. Childcare will not be provided during SALA.
How many students will I be teaching at a time?
Teaching Artists The class size is approx. 25 students. There is a 12:1 student-teacher ratio because all classes are team-taught by a Teaching Artist and Classroom Teacher. Teaching Artist Apprentices You will be assisting a Teaching Artist. The two of…
Will there be an informational session before I have to submit my application?
Yes! Info Sessions will be held on November 7th and 15th. These sessions will provide an overview of SALA and the Summer Arts Corps training program. RSVP here.
Who should I contact with additional questions?
Our Education Director, Kristina Berdan! [email protected]