Noa Baum gestures dramatically with a group of young students.

Creative Collaborations: Enhancing Expression and Listening Through Storytelling

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Creative Collaborations: Enhancing Expression and Listening Through Storytelling


“Noa's residency was a huge success! It was obvious that the students walked away with many new skills... this residency allowed the students to express themselves and use their imagination in so many ways! They actively looked forward to their sessions together and could not wait to see Ms. Noa! Thank you for all your hard work!”

Mary Dezinno, Howard County Arts Council, Head Start programs, MD

“Each child was able to develop confidence and self-expression in the atmosphere of acceptance that you created.”

Harriet Gadisman, Teacher, Willit Elementary, Davis, CA

"It was inspiring to watch Noa’s mastery of group dynamics—her ability to inspire the shiest child and at the same time create positive boundaries for the high energy boys. Not only did the students benefit from their participation in these activities, but we came away with a wealth of new ideas for our classrooms!”

Cindy Finley and Louise Zabriskie, Teachers, Patwin Elementary, Davis, CA