More funding info for schools now online
In response to feedback from our school partners throughout the state, Young Audiences has expanded the resources available on its website for schools and community organizations looking for additional funding opportunities to bring valuable arts experiences to Maryland students. In…
The Artist is Present
By Kevin Adekoya, Young Audiences Development Assistant This month, 51 artists and teachers completed their final Reflection Day of the 2013-2014 Teaching Artist Institute (TAI) Seminar. During the past five months, artist and teacher pairs have worked together to create new…
Young Audiences has a new home!
We started 2014 off big: moving into a brand new space in the restored former tire shop at 2600 North Howard Street in Remington. Everyone has been talking about our big move (the Baltimore Sun recently featured the new development), but…
Making our mark on history with art
By Nadine Elsigal, senior at Western High School As a senior at Western High School I had the privilege of being involved in a clay mural project with Young Audiences artist Amanda Pellerin in October. Working with Ms. Amanda during…
Creating confident students–and future leaders–through the arts
By Micaela Gramelis, Young Audiences Grants and Annual Gala Manager and former teacher Sitting in my class each day, Nadia did well. She worked hard; she smiled. She was kind, but deferred to her third-grade classmates for academic guidance during group…
Tube Beat or Not To Be? Discovering Sound through Rhythm and Movement
By Max Bent, Musician and beatboxer Young Audiences artists and teacher partners have written case studies documenting their work in schools and their exploration of one essential question. Each study provides a snapshot of how the artist or teacher works…
Bomani and students use poetry to address bullying
Young Audiences Hip Hop poet Bomani recently visited Empowerment Academy Elementary/Middle for an assembly and workshop to teach students the elements of writing Hip Hop music and its parallels to poetry- and essay-writing while also addressing the subject of anti-bullying.…
Uncle Devin shares TAI residency success!
The following content first appeared in the December 2013 edition of Uncle Devin’s Drum Beat Newsletter: For four days in November, it was my pleasure to conduct an artist-in-residence program with a first grade class at Germantown Elementary School in Annapolis. The program…
I am an artist
By Colette Krebs, sophomore at Annapolis High School’s Performing and Visual Arts Magnet Program I want you to think of your life right now. Think about who you work with. There may be that one person who loves movies or sports or…
Hip Hop and History: Telling Stories of the Past and of Ourselves
By Staci Taustine, Fifth Grade Teacher, F.L. Templeton Preparatory Academy During the course of my fifth-grade class’ six-day Hip Hop residency with Young Audiences artist Jamaal “Mr. Root” Collier, walls were broken down, confidence was built up, and the entire…
Using arts integration to prevent summer learning loss
By Lucy Coyle Lucy Coyle recently completed a summer internship at Young Audiences and wraps up our series on Young Audiences’ summer learning programs–and their importance for students who would otherwise have limited opportunities to stay active and engaged during the…
The Deutsch Foundation shares its TAI experience
The Teaching Artist Institute (TAI) is made possible in partnership with Young Audiences, Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance (AEMS), and the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC). TAI partners and generous sponsors, like the Robert W. Deutsch Foundation, provide funding and support that…