Reginald Love

Art Form(s)
Artist Credentials
Maryland Wolf Trap Teaching Artist
About this Artist

Pronouns: he/him

Reggie graduated from Berklee College of Music as a Production & Engineering Major. He has vast working experience with some of the top names in the professional music industry and a heralding history of accomplishments in education. Reggie is a one-man stop for audio/video technologies and systems, music masterclasses, band/choir directing and arranging, music videos, music for early childhood education.

Reggie is a certified Childhood Education Specialist and Teaching Artist by The National Wolftrap Foundation and The Smith Center For The Performing Arts located in Las Vegas, NV. Reggie is an award-winning music instructor, band leader, and choir director. Reggie is also a 3-time 1st Band Instructor and Band Director at Walt Disney’s Music In The Parks National Band Competition with 30+ years of state-of-the-art teaching experience in instruments, band, choir, music production, and audio engineering. Reggie has worked as a professional musician and audio engineer with many major recording artists of diverse musical genres in the studio and on world tours. Reggie was also After Director for Fire Fox Rocks After School Pro in California. He was also Director of Music Production for the non-profit organization Childhood Education Protection Advocates (CEPA). CEPA’s mission was to change the lives of at-risk students via learning a trade for self-esteem and independence. Reggie teaches brass, voice, piano, and drums to beginning students. Reggie is a master music and style instructor for every instrument on an intermediate or advanced level. In the professional music industry, Reggie is known as MVP ( most valuable player) and vocal coach to the STARS.

Reggie is a Maryland Wolf Trap Early Childhood teaching artist. Learn more about our Early Childhood programs.

“It is a great honor to teach music, The Universal Language! Music affects all emotions and sensitivities. Teaching and performing music is my contribution to communities around the world.”