SMART Program

Young Audiences partnered with Harford County Public Schools to develop its first-ever district partnership that provides professional development to every Title-1 school to improve academic performance through the arts—the first partnership of its kind in the nation.

Budget Hits $6M

Bloomberg Arts Internship

Summer Arts & Learning Academy (SALA)

Summer Arts Academy

Budget Hits $2.5M

Maryland Wolf Trap

After piloting residencies for 3-5-year-olds in Baltimore City, Young Audiences launched its early learning initiative, becoming the Maryland Wolf Trap affiliate.

Rural Access for All

Miller’s Court

Access for All

Teaching Artist Institute

A unique partnership between Young Audiences, the Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance (AEMS), and the Maryland State Arts Council (MSAC) was built in the creation of the Teaching Artist Institute (TAI). The program expertly pairs classroom teachers with teaching artists and builds the artists’ capacity to contribute to student learning in and through the arts. 

Young Audiences/Arts for Learning